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Tax Law

We have broad expertise in tax law and related areas. Tax costs, like many other expenses, can be reduced through careful planning before taking action. We are happy to assist you and your company whether it concerns taxation within or outside the borders of Sweden.

We offer tax advisory services focusing on business transfers, financing, property transactions, cross-border transactions, and restructuring. We create corporate structures, incentive programs, and generational transfers with the goal of optimising tax efficiency for our clients.

Tax Law can encompass:

  • Swedish taxation of beneficiaries and others in trusts and foreign foundations
  • Assistance with inquiries from and audits by the Swedish Tax Agency
  • International taxation and cross-border transactions
  • Structural issues related to business transfers and acquisitions
  • Tax matters concerning generational transfers and restructurings
  • Assistance with foreign companies starting operations in Sweden and the posting of employees to Sweden
  • Liability for tax and fees
  • Taxes, VAT, and employer's contributions for companies and groups
  • Court proceedings regarding taxes and VAT
  • Taxation of shareholders in close companies

We are happy to guide you in finding the right solution. Send a request, and we will get in touch!

We are happy to guide you in finding the right solution. Send a request, and we will get in touch!