Andreas has a long and solid background as a business legal advisor, with a specific focus on construction law and real estate matters. His work in construction-related cases often involves dispute resolution, including negotiations and proceedings in general courts and arbitration processes, as well as providing advice during the implementation of construction projects. Andreas leads the firm’s construction law group. He has particularly extensive experience in real estate development, dealing with the various stages involved in transforming land into residential and commercial properties. This includes everything from land acquisition and the zoning process to procurement and project implementation. Andreas is also engaged as an arbitrator and serves as the chairperson in over-inspection committees.
- 2020-
- Wåhlin Advokater
- 2014-2020
- Corporate Counsel at Midroc Europe AB
- 2002-2014
- Foyen Advokatfirma
- 2000-2002
- Huddinge District Court
- 1999
- LL.M., Lund University
- 1997-1998
- Université Jean Moulin Lyon III
Member of the Swedish Bar Association
Svenska Föreningen för Entreprenad- och Konsulträtt (SVEFEK)
Additional Information
Author of articles
Juridisk Tidskrift 2014/15 no. 2, p. 307, Allriskansvaret vid entreprenadavtal. Vems risk?
Juridisk Tidskrift 2022/23 no. 1, p. 12, Löpande räkning: Är priset avtalat eller finns utrymme för att bedöma prisets skälighet?
Juridisk Tidskrift 2023/24 no. 2, Fel i AB 04 – en studie i det entreprenadrättsliga felbegreppet