Chairman of styrelseakademin västsverige’s annual general meeting
StyrelseAkademin Västsverige (Board Academy of Western Sweden) held their Annual General Meeting (AGM) yesterday. The meeting took place at Deloitte and Fredrika Hörlin, lawyer and partner at Wåhlin, was chairman for the sixth consecutive year.
StyrelseAkademin Västsverige is an organization promoting better board work in Swedish companies. The organization consists of a network of non-profit organizations in various parts of the country that are held together by the national association StyrelseAkademien Sverige. The association’s vision is to spread knowledge about the importance of board work for the profitability and development of a company. The association was founded in 1991 and today consists of a nationwide network of high-ranking people in the Swedish trade and industry.
Alongside yesterday’s AGM, there was mingle and a lecture given by Karin Mattsson Weijber. Karin Mattsson Weijber has an educational background in human resources and workplace issues and also, for instance, has experience as chairman of Riksidrottsförbundet. She talked about her experience of leadership and board work in different associations within the sports world.
Fredrika Hörlin is a board member of several companies which she finds very interesting and stimulating alongside her work as a business lawyer. Through her involvement in StyrelseAkademien she gets the opportunity to spread her knowledge within this field to others.