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Robert Nylinder – has been appointed by the Swedish Armed Forces

Robert Nylinder at Wåhlin Advokater has been appointed by the Swedish Armed Forces (Försvarsmakten) as Judge Advocate General for Blekinge flygflottilj (F17) and Norrbottens flygflottilj (F21) and as vice Judge Advocate General for the Södra skånska regementet (P7) and the Södra militärregionen (MR S). As a Judge Advocate General, Robert will provide part-time legal advice to the commanding officer of each unit and support the units in matters including disciplinary issues and conduct training for the personnel at the various units.  

“With our recent entry into NATO, the demand for legal support, particularly in international matters, will grow substantially. I am eager to contribute to this development,” says Robert, who is a lawyer and partner at Wåhlin Advokater’s Malmö office.

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