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Wåhlin hosted a much appreciated seminar in Malmö

Wåhlin lawfirm hosted in cooperation with Dansk Byggeri och Enemærke & Petersen a much appreciated free seminar in Malmoe regarding the energy efficency renewal of apartments in the Swedish so called million program.

Several interesting speeches was held during the day by the City of Malmö, Dansk Byggeri, NCC, Enemærke & Petersen, IVL Svenska Miljöinstiutet, real estate Companys Victoria Park and Lund Kommuns Fastighets AB and the realty project Rosenhøj. During the speeches several important subjects was lifted as a necessity for a sustainable development from an economic, environmental and social point of view.

Extensive Experience and Broad Expertise

At Wåhlin Advokater, we combine business understanding with deep commitment to support you in business legal matters.

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